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You've received a Government Subpoena

How did we come to the government’s attention?

Many clients wonder how the government came to focus on them. Where did the original information come from? How did the government learn about our audit client or us? The answer will vary, of course, and it may be impossible to know for sure, but click here to learn about the various ways in which information comes to the government’s attention.

So you’ve received a subpoena or civil investigative demand

Now that the government has served a subpoena on you, what does it mean and what should you or your company do in response? To learn more about what your obligations are and what you should (and should not) do, click here.

What if it’s an SEC investigation?

SEC investigations usually proceed in predictable phases, the SEC staff must report periodically to supervisors on their progress, and you need to know what to expect as this process plays out. Click here to learn more about the phases of an SEC investigation.

Hiring a Lawyer

If the SEC or DOJ (or, not infrequently, both agencies) begin an investigation, the issue of what firm or attorney to engage becomes a threshold decision. The lawyers and firms who usually handle a company’s legal affairs may or may not be who should handle such an investigation. Also, what should individual executives or employees be thinking about? Learn more about hiring the “right” lawyer here.

Legal FAQs answered by SECIL Law group photo featuring Janet DeCosta, Lionel Andre, and Adriaen Morse

Get in Touch

“SECIL” stands for what we do: Securities Enforcement Compliance Investigations & Litigation.  We help companies and individuals with sophisticated criminal and civil litigation, whistleblower disclosures, compliance and anti-corruption programs, and a range of other services.