Customer claim or regulatory issue?
Whether a Financial Adviser has been accused of impropriety by a customer or a regulator has begun asking questions, you will want to retain experienced counsel to address the relevant issues. We have handled both sides of customer claims and disputes with FAs, as well as investigations by the SEC, FINRA Enforcement, and the DOJ. Industry expertise doesn’t have to come with the trappings (and high hourly rates) of global law firms. Contact us to discuss what we can do for you.
Customer claims come in different flavors
Sometimes the customer has a valid case and it’s a bad idea to litigate the claim. In such matters, an early settlement may be the best outcome for the firm. At other times, the claim has no merit and the firm will want to pursue every available litigation avenue available. In either event, it helps to enlist the assistance of experienced external counsel who can provide an impartial read of the relative merits of the case and solid recommendations about how to proceed.
What if the FA has commenced an action?
Sometimes employees file actions against firms. If the firm is a FINRA registrant and the employee is a registered rep, the suit must be adjudicated via FINRA arbitration. It helps to retain counsel with deep experience in a wide variety of litigation contexts to assess the merits, come up with the appropriate recommendation, and then execute on the game plan.
What if the issue involves an SEC investigation?
SEC investigations usually proceed in predictable phases, the SEC staff must report periodically to supervisors on their progress, and you need to know what to expect as this process plays out.
Click here to learn more about the phases of an SEC Investigation.