Experience in high-risk markets, seamless legal and forensic services
Corruption concerns come in many forms. Whether a company is proactively addressing the risks of a new international market or is already enmeshed in an active criminal or civil matter, our legal and compliance experience gives clients the tools they need to identify and deal with anti-corruption issues.
SECIL Law attorneys have worked at the Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission and also have led corporate compliance departments. Our team also includes a forensic accountant and auditor. While many firms outsource forensic accounting services, SECIL Law provides clients with in-house capabilities that combine our legal expertise and forensic know-how.
We help clients with due diligence to identify corruption and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) risks in mergers and acquisitions and screen third-party agents and distributors for corruption concerns. We often work with our clients’ information technology professionals and analyze company data to identify risks and create effective solutions.
We also offer practical, business-sensitive anti-corruption compliance guidance that considers risk factors posed by the locations of its business operations. But effective anti-corruption compliance is not static and requires flexibility as a company grows and shifts operations. In addition to setting up right-sized compliance frameworks, we also help clients through implementation and follow-through to make sure that procedures produce the intended protection and responsiveness to management.
Our team has experience in-house building compliance programs from the ground up and helping companies enter new markets. We bring this practical insight to help clients expanding into high-risk countries as well as international companies entering the U.S. market.
Represented a global company in the first FCPA investigation by the Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission of a Brazilian multinational, involving transactions in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, and negotiated a favorable settlement.
Successfully advised U.S. mining original equipment manufacturer (“OEM”) on developing and securing China-originating supply chain, enhancing global intellectual property protection, building FCPA compliance programs, and developing international sales and distribution network.
Conducted an internal investigation and implemented remedial measures to address bribery and corruption policy violations in a global company's operations in India and reported results to the Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission, resulting in no charges against our client.